Penza employees held an information and educational lesson for future lawyers

7 October 2021

October 6, 2021 employees of the Regional Center of Access to the Resources of the Presidential Library based on the Lermontov Penza Regional Library introduced students of the Law Institute of Penza State University to the electronic educational resources of the library.

Thus, students were told about the Presidential Library's portal, about the structure of the basic collections of the library Russian people, Territory of Russia, State Authority, which include digital copies of official documents, monographs and popular science publications, dissertations, objects of archival and museum storage.

With special interest the young people studied On This Day section, which contains historical and biographical information, as well as short articles with links to the library’s materials.

Particular attention was paid to the student works contest, which is held annually by the Presidential Library. The Presidential Library’s portal features the collection Penza Region: Pages of History. It includes archival documents, essays, studies and statistical materials spotlighting demographic, geographical, socio-economic, socio-political and other aspects of the history of the region at the end of the 18th - first third of the 20th century. The current Charter of Penza Region is also available.


Based on the materials of portal.