A new virtual tour of the Presidential Library to spotlight the history of the Russian Navy

16 November 2021

The Presidential Library's portal presents a new virtual tour of the exhibition "Sea Vessels to Be!": Marking the 325th anniversary of the founding of the Navy and the 115th anniversary of the founding of the Russian submarine fleet". The exposition is open for visiting in the historic building of the Presidential Library at 3 Senate Square. The event was organized by the Presidential Library in cooperation with the United Shipbuilding Corporation.

The virtual tour is created with the support of the Russian Military Historical Society. The temporary exposition acquired its digital version and is available to Internet users around the world.

The exhibition is timed to coincide with two significant dates celebrated in 2021 and associated with the Russian Navy.

On October 20 (30), 1696, by the decree of the Boyar Duma, initiated by Peter I, a regular fleet was officially founded in Russia. The creation of the fleet and the beginning of regular domestic shipbuilding was the first successful state significant project of the tsar-reformer. He laid the foundation for several shipyards, including the Admiralty and Solombala (now Krasnaya Kuznitsa) - the two oldest enterprises that are part of the United Shipbuilding Corporation.

For centuries, Russia was a great maritime power: new ship designs were developed and the sailing fleet gave way to the steam and armoured fleet. The defeat in the Russo-Japanese War (1904-1905) was proof of the urgent need for serious development of shipbuilding and modernization of the fleet. On March 11 (24), 1906 an order was issued to the Naval Department No. 52 on the inclusion in the classification of navy ships of the category of submarines that have proven their effectiveness in battle. This date is considered the day of the foundation of the Russian submarine fleet.

The exhibition in the Presidential Library showcases the continuity of the Russian fleet from the times of Peter the Great to the present day and the modern achievements of USC shipbuilders. For the first time, a single exposition presents materials provided by libraries, museums, archives, and enterprises that are part of the largest shipbuilding corporation in Russia.

The first hall features rare editions of the XVIII-XX centuries telling about the first steps of the Russian fleet created by Peter I. Among the book rarities of the XVIII century is the first Naval Regulations of 1720, books about glorious sea exploits and colourful albums with images of ships of the XIX century.

The exposition of the second hall highlights the history of underwater shipbuilding. It provides the opportunity to see unique documents from the collections of the Russian State Naval Archives, as well as materials and models of submarines provided by museums of world-famous shipyards and design bureaus that are part of the United Shipbuilding Corporation.

The exhibition "Sea Vessels to Be!": Marking the 325th anniversary of the founding of the Navy and the 115th anniversary of the founding of the Russian submarine fleet" is one of the winners of the All-Russian Contest of library projects for holding events devoted to significant dates in Russian military history, organized by the Russian Military Historical Society.

Virtual projects are one of the actively developing areas of the Presidential Library. The institution's collections feature documents, photo, audio and video materials. Virtual projects enrich them with images of exhibits from displays and items from museum collections.

At present, more than thirty virtual tours and excursions are available for remote visiting. The Presidential Library's portal provides information about them in the Exhibitions section at the link https://www.prlib.ru/en/about_exhibition.

To learn more about visiting the Presidential Library's exhibitions, please call: (812) 334-25-14 or write to e-mail: excursion@prlib.ru.

Please consider that from October 30 to November 7, 2021, the Presidential Library's building is closed for visiting according to the Executive Order of the President of the Russian Federation of October 20, 2021, No 595 "On Non-Working Days in the Russian Federation in October and November 2021", and the Order of the Government of St. Petersburg of October 23, 2021, No 78-pg "On Measures to Implement the Executive Order of the President of the Russian Federation of October 20, 2021, No 595 "On Non-Working Days in the Russian Federation in October and November 2021".