"A Journey from St. Petersburg to Siberia" in the Tomsk Regional Center of the Presidential Library

4 November 2021

The Tomsk Regional Centre of the Presidential Library, functioning at the Alexander Pushkin Tomsk Regional Universal Scientific Library, and the Tomsk Forestry Technical School held a media chat and an online quiz A Rebel Worse than Pugachev, devoted to the presentation of the website Alexander Radishchev: A Journey from St. Petersburg to Siberia. The events were part of the interinstitutional social partnership.

The specialists of the Regional Center and Irina Nikienko, the curator of the project and the scientific secretary of the regional library, introduced students to the personality, literary heritage, scientific, educational, social and enlightening activities of Radishchev. They told the history of the creation and publication of his book A Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow and his stay in Siberian exile, including a visit to Tomsk.

The digital resource, created at the initiative of the Tomsk Regional Center of the Presidential Library, improves the Presidential Library's collection Alexander Radishchev (1749–1802), which features his works, research on the writer's life and work, and materials devoted to preserving his memory.

The resources of the two libraries help broaden the horizons of the youth audience who are fond of literary criticism and are interested in the work of Russian writers. It also allows school and university students better understand features of the political, economic and cultural life of various regions of the Russian Empire at the end of the XVIII century.