Pedagogical skills classes for teachers of Russian as a foreign language launched in Tashkent

12 November 2021

On November 9, 2021, the Russian House in Tashkent launched an annual training program for teachers of Russian as a foreign language Nota terra. At the moment, it engaged seventy teachers from Tashkent and Tashkent Region. Every month, with the launch of a new module, new participants can join the program. At the end of the course, teachers will receive certificates.

During the first meeting, the teachers learned how to provide the complete perception of information by school students, develop logical thinking, speech skills and replenish vocabulary if Russian is not their native language.

Also, the Russian House in Tashkent opened an exhibition of educational and methodological literature on teaching Russian for foreigners.

Program participants can use materials from the Presidential Library’s digital collection Russian Language, which includes manuscripts and publications of Russian book rarities, archival files, scientific works, dictionaries, reference books, and teaching aids. Materials are available on the institution's portal and in the Centers of Remote Access to Presidential Library's Information Resources, located in all 85 regions of the Russian Federation and 30 countries of the world.