The Presidential Library - a member of the XXV General Meeting of Members of the Eurasian Library Assembly

3 December 2021

December 3, 2021 the heads of the Presidential Library attended the XXV General Meeting of Members of the Eurasian Library Assembly (BAE). The event was held via video conference mode.

The meeting focused on the current activities of BAE, personnel issues and the implementation of joint initiatives in the near future, the issues of formation by libraries - members of the BAE of a joint electronic collection of documents timed to the 100th anniversary of the formation of the USSR, with the subsequent preparation of multimedia projects on its basis; creation of a cycle of video lectures on the history and current state of librarianship in the CIS countries with the publication of a special collection of articles on this topic, as well as preparation of the calendar "Libraries - Participants of the Eurasian Library Assembly" with the inclusion of visual materials and reference information about institutions.

Reference information: Eurasian Library Assembly is a non-profit partnership of libraries of the CIS countries, the main goal of which is to form and strengthen a common information, library and socio-cultural space. The Presidential Library has been a member of BAE since 2009.