Webinar "Effective use of electronic resources" for municipal libraries in Penza Region

11 December 2021

The cycle of webinars "Effective use of electronic resources" for municipal libraries has come to an end. On December 8, 2021 employees of the Regional Center of the Presidential Library based on the Lermontov Penza Regional Library and the Center for Legal Information, introduced electronic resources and the possibilities of their use to librarians of the Gorodishchensky district.

The specialists of the Regional Center told those present about the Presidential Library’s portal and its unique content. Four basic collections were presented to colleagues: "State Power", "Russian People", "Territory of Russia" and "Russian Language". Webinar participants also learned about collections dedicated to individual persons, topics and events that are used while preparing for calendar events. This year, the collections Nikolay Karamzin (1766-1826), Nikolay Nekrasov (1821-1878), the collection Pyotr Stolypin (1862-1911) as well as Mikhail Speransky (1772-1839) will help in the preparation of anniversaries that will be celebrated in the coming year.

The librarians were taught how to use a simple and advanced search on the Presidential Library’s portal, showed a section with virtual exhibitions and tours, audio materials and video lectures of the Presidential Library.

In addition, the webinar participants were informed about the Russia in the Electronic World Olympiad in history, social studies and the Russian language for pupils of grades 10-11, which is held annually by the Presidential Library.

The institution’s portal features the collection Penza Region: Pages of History. It includes archival files, essays, studies and statistical materials covering various aspects of the history of the region at the end of the 18th - first third of the 20th centuries: demographic, geographical, socio-economic, socio-political and others.


Based on the materials of http://liblermont.ru/ portal.