Advanced training at the Presidential Library
The Presidential Library will implement advanced training programs "Pedagogical approaches and methods in library and information services" as well as "Development of readers' interest in poetry among library users" in the first quarter of 2022.
Each program includes 16 academic hours. The learning form is distance.
The advanced training program "Pedagogical approaches and methods in library and information services" provides for consideration the following issues:
- key terms and concepts of library pedagogy;
- pedagogical approaches in library and information services;
- pedagogical methods in library and information services;
- practical aspects of the application of pedagogical approaches and methods in serving the users of the Presidential Library;
- analysis of library activities, during which pedagogical approaches and methods are used;
- drawing up a technological map of a library event using pedagogical approaches and methods.
Duration: February 28 - March 2, 2022.
The content of the program "Development of readers' interest in poetry among library users":
- differentiation of poetry and prose, the purpose of poetry and the mission of the poet (concepts of V. Khlebnikov, Yu. N. Tynyanov, K. G. Jung, the role of poetry in M. Heidegger's ontological hermeneutics);
- bibliotherapeutic effect of poetry reading;
- reader's interest as a library science phenomenon;
- methods of correcting an indifferent attitude towards poetry and a negative attitude towards reading poetry;
- organizational forms of activities aimed at developing readers' interest in poetry among library users;
- key methods and means of promoting poetry used in library and information services;
- drawing up a technological map of a library event aimed at developing readers' interest in poetry.
Duration: March 14-16, 2022
Upon completion of training in the selected program a certificate of advanced training of the established form will be issued.
The cost of training for each program is 4,112.00 rubles. (Four thousand one hundred twelve rubles 00 kopecks).
Applications for training are accepted until February 10, 2022.
Contact person - Yulia Fedorovna Andreeva (tel. (812) 305-16-21 (ext. 372), e-mail: