"Restoring Paradise on Earth". The Presidential Library spotlights the celebration of the Nativity of Christ
The history of the celebration of one of the main fair Christian celebrations - the Nativity of Christ, which the entire Orthodox world celebrates on January 7, is available in the collection of the Presidential Library New Year’s Day and Christmas in Russia. The materials include descriptions of the holiday, studies of its history, works of art and graphic materials dedicated to it.
Christmas in the flesh of Jesus Christ is the greatest miracle on earth, showing the whole world God's mercy and condescension to humanity, says the book Daily Teachings in the Word of God... (1897) by the theologian, Archpriest Grigory Dyachenko. To realize this miraculous event people needed time, understanding gradually came and the traditions of celebrating this day filled with the highest spiritual joy developed. Art critic Ivan Bozheryanov in the publication How the Russian People Celebrated and Celebrate Christmas, New Year, Epiphany and Maslenitsa (1895) mentioned the surviving information that the Christian Church established the feast of Christmas on December 25 (according to the old style) back in apostolic times to contrast the Roman pagan celebration of the birth of the "invincible sun".
In order to increase joy and merriment on these days, the church instituted fasting before them - so that, as we enter them, we feel liberated. It is believed that on Christmas Eve one cannot eat until the first star appears. This rule is associated with the legend of the appearance of the star of Bethlehem, which announced the birth of Christ, but it is not recorded in the church charter. Nevertheless, in the past it was adhered to very strictly.
But on Christmas itself a plentiful festive table was laid.
Not immediately, but already under Peter the Great, a spruce became an obligatory decoration of the Christmas holidays. As a symbol of undying nature, the evergreen spruce first became a Christmas tree in Germany, where Peter borrowed this custom. Many legends are associated with the origin of the Christmas tree, in particular, explaining the tradition of decorating the tree with fruits and candles.
“The holiday of Christmas was celebrated as the restoration of paradise on earth”, - wrote Bozheryanov, and Bukharev translated the kontakion - a small chant that reveals the essence of the holiday: “Now the Virgin gives birth to the One who is above all created, and the earth represents a cave to the Inaccessible. Angels with shepherds praise; sages travel with a star; for a new baby has been born for us - the eternal God".
The Christmas theme is truly inexhaustible and is reflected in church and secular literature as well as the visual arts.