Patriotic campaign "Letters from the Front" to remind about war and Victory
The Innovative Cultural Center in Sverdlovsk Region supported by the Presidential Library and the Belinsky Sverdlovsk Regional Universal Scientific Library is holding a patriotic campaign "Letters from the Front". The goal is to attract public attention to the activities to perpetuate the memory of those who died defending the Fatherland, to collect and save letters from the war years in the form of an electronic archive.
Individuals and legal entities, regardless of age, place of residence and citizenship have opportunity to participate in the campaign. It is enough to fill out the electronic form of the participant and attach to it a photo or a scan of the original wartime letter from the family archive. It is also possible to forward the text of archived letters in Word format. Materials will be published on the website pismafront.tilda.ws. All campaign participants of "Letters from the Front" will receive diplomas.
Applications for participation are accepted from January 24, 2022 to April 30, 2025 at the https://forms.gle/4g3df2g84ZM1GaWU7.
The regulations on holding the patriotic campaign "Letters from the Front" are available here.
It should be noted that since the end of 2018, the Presidential Library, as part of a project dedicated to preserving the historical memory of the siege of Leningrad in 1941-1944, has been held a campaign to collect documents, letters, diaries, photographs from the personal archives of the inhabitants of the besieged city. These unique materials are digitized and will enter the electronic collections of the Presidential Library, which today involve over a million depository items. All of them are available to users of more than 1,350 centers of remote access to the resources of the Presidential Library in all 85 regions of the country.
The electronic reading room based on the Innovative Cultural Center since 2016, is one of the exemplary access points to the resources of the Presidential Library in Sverdlovsk Region. Every year events for various groups of the population, aimed at promoting the resources of the Presidential Library such as lessons, classes and reviews are held here.
The Regional Center of the Presidential Library opened at the Belinsky Sverdlovsk Regional Universal Scientific Library in March 2018 provides much work to develop a network of remote access centers in the region. At the moment 106 remote electronic reading rooms of the Presidential Library have been opened in Sverdlovsk Region.