The Presidential Library published a new book to mark Mikhail Speransky’s anniversary
2022 marks the 250th anniversary of Mikhail Mikhailovich Speransky, an outstanding statesman, lawyer and lawmaker. This is a worthy occasion to revisit the legacy of the famous personality, to rethink his role in the evolution of the Russian state and law, to recall the documents and testimonies of contemporaries and to introduce new materials into scientific circulation.
Marking the anniversary of Speransky the Presidential Library has published a new book Mikhail Mikhailovich Speransky in Russian legal and historical science: marking the 250th anniversary of his birth. It entered the series Historical Jurisprudence of the Presidential Library’s collections.
The new issue of the series features four early works of Speransky - sermons (Words), delivered by him in the Alexander Nevsky Lavra in St. Petersburg during his studies in the upper classes of the Alexander Nevsky Seminary. According to the recollections of the listeners, the young seminarian enthusiastically defended the priority of the moral principle (virtue) in everything, including education.
The collection, addressed to both the scientific community and a wide range of readers studying the legal, historical and cultural heritage of our country, also includes several previously unpublished notes of Speransky on law, documents related to the celebration of his 100th anniversary, as well as scientific articles by modern scientists - historians and lawyers.
Legislative reforms carried out by Mikhail Speransky affected almost all layers of the Russian society. Having reached his high position thanks to his great mind, energy and perseverance, he used his advantages only for the benefit of Russia.
Mikhail Speransky, in his career, in his legal views, and in the training of legal personnel for the state, put the moral component of serving society in the first place. He endured all the vicissitudes of his difficult fate with dignity, maintaining unbending spirituality, true patriotism, and a deep sense of truth.
One of the important tasks is the collection and digitization of all surviving documentary evidence of Speransky's state activities of different collections, the creation of electronic thematic collections, public databases and historiographic collections. The Presidential Library’s portal features the digital collection Mikhail Speransky (1772–1839) which includes research, memoirs about him, published works and correspondence, as well as visual materials. The collection is based on the documents of the RGIA collections Papers of Mikhail. Speransky, systematized by topic, spotlighting Speransky’s contribution to reforming and codifying legislation.