Presentation of Kamchatka Territory held at the Russian House in Baku

17 February 2022

The presentation of Kamchatka Territory was held at the Russian House in Baku. The event was organized by the Ministry of Labor and Human Resource Development of the region as part of a program to promote the voluntary resettlement of compatriots.

Representatives of the ministry spoke about the economic potential of the region, living conditions and the most demanded areas of activity.

Since 2011 the Russian House in Baku has been hosting a center of remote access to information resources of the Presidential Library. Visitors who are interested in the history of formation and the current state of Kamchatka Territory have opportunity to learn about the materials of the collection Kamchatka Territory: Pages of History. The development of Kamchatka, the most remote Russian region, in the 18th - the first half of the 20th century is represented by travel essays, geographical and historical descriptions, newsreel fragments of the 1920s-1930s; the collection also includes materials on the defence of Petropavlovsk in 1854, as well as the current Charter of Kamchatka Territory.

It should be noted that collections dedicated to all 85 regions of the Russian Federation are available in the electronic collections of the Presidential Library.