Virtual tour of the Yulian Semyonov House-Museum in Crimea available on the Presidential Library’s portal

18 March 2022

The Presidential Library provides a remote visit to the House-Museum of the author of the novels about the famous intelligence officer Isaev - Stirlitz. One can visit Crimea thanks to a virtual tour presented on the Presidential Library’s portal.

The Yulian Semyonov House-Museum, located in the village of Oliva (Upper Mukhalatka), was opened in 2000. Here the writer lived and worked until 1989, created such works as "Ordered to Survive", "Expansion", "Despair", "Versions", "Reporter" and many others, and also carried out organizational work to create the first non-state newspaper in the USSR "Top secret”(1989).

Thanks to virtual tour, one can see the original works of artists Ilya Glazunov and Mikhail Shemyakin, explore documents related to the search and return of art values ​​that were stolen by German troops during the Great Patriotic War, as well as study materials relating to the filming of feature films “17 Moments of Spring”, “TASS is authorized to declare...”, “Confrontation”, “Petrovka, 38”.

Virtual tours are an actively developing area of ​​activity of the Presidential Library. The institution’s portal provides an opportunity to remotely visit not only Yulian Semyonov House-Museum, but also visit the legendary cruiser Aurorathe State Memorial Museum of  the Defence and Siege of Leningradthe Kobona: Road of Life museumAnd Muses Were Not Silent...

Visitors to the Presidential Library’s portal from anywhere in the world can have a tour around the historic building of the Synod, which today houses a modern multifunctional cultural and educational center, visit the Constitution Hall with the permanent exposition spotlighting the main documents of the Russian Federation.

Today more than thirty temporary expositions in the Presidential Library are also available for remote visits. The institution’s portal provides virtual tours of the exhibitions