Web quest at the Magadan Regional Center of the Presidential Library

18 April 2022

The Regional Center of the Presidential Library based on the Pushkin Magadan Regional Universal Scientific Library hosted an interregional web quest "Virtual flight into space!", organized by the Presidential Library, the Penza Regional Center of the Presidential Library, the North-Western Interregional Public Organization of the Federation of Cosmonautics of Russia. The quest was timed to coincide with Cosmonautics Day and took place over three days from April 12-14, 2022.

All the participants received a certificate of completion of the quest and the winners are waiting for diplomas of the organizers.

The Presidential Library's portal features Outer Space collection. It unites several sections: "The study of outer space", "Soviet and Russian pilot-cosmonauts", "American pilot-cosmonauts", "Medals, badges, postcards and calendars in honor of memorable events in the history of cosmonautics" and includes fragments of newsreels, periodicals, books and other objects that spotlight various milestones in the development of astronautics.