Employment prospects for veterans of law enforcement agencies discussed at the Presidential Library
On April 27, 2022 the Presidential Library (Senate Square, 3) hosted a round table "Opportunities and prospects for effective employment after the end of service in law enforcement agencies".
The topic of the event was the employment of employees of law enforcement agencies after retirement due to age, length of service or health reasons; opportunities for career guidance for the future period during service; timely psychological and social adaptation of combatants.
Heads and specialists in work with the personnel of all power departments, specialists of the Committee for Labor and Employment of the Population of St. Petersburg, the Committee for Labor and Employment of the Population of Leningrad Region, the Committee for Social Policy of St. Petersburg, the Committee for Social Protection of Population of Leningrad Region, the Leningrad Regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the St. Petersburg Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation, St. Petersburg Mining University, Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, representatives of public and veteran organizations have opportunity attended the event.
The event has been prepared by the St. Petersburg Regional Branch of the All-Russian Association of Law Enforcement and Special Services Workers of the Russian Federation together with the Peaceful People (Mirniye Lyudi) Social Initiatives Foundation and the Presidential Library.