The Penza Regional Center of the Presidential Library recalls Peter I

19 April 2022

April 16, 2022 the Regional Center of the Presidential Library based on the Lermontov Penza Regional Library hosted the event "Peter I: personality and state activity" timed to coincide with the 350th anniversary of the birth of Peter I.

After a story about the reforming activities of Peter I, the specialists of the Regional Center of the Presidential Library gave the guests a tour of the exposition "The Great Deeds of Peter", and everyone took part in a quiz. Most of the questions were related to the personality of Peter I and his reforms.

Then the event participants visited the Regional Center of Rare Documents and Book Monuments where they had opportunity to see the first Russian printed newspaper Vedomosti which began to be published on the initiative of Peter the Great in 1702 and is also available in the electronic collections of the Presidential Library.