The Tomsk Regional Center of the Presidential Library presents "PROSTO COSMOS"!

23 April 2022

April 20, 2022 the conference hall of the Pushkin Tomsk Regional Universal Scientific Library hosted the quiz "PROSTO COSMOS". The event has been organized by the specialists of the Tomsk Regional Center of the Presidential Library based on the library in partnership with the Tomsk Planetarium.

One has opportunity to continue studying topics related to the exploration of outer space as well as preparing for various competitions with the help of the Outer Space collection which is being formed by the Presidential Library. The collection of sources combines several sections: "The study of outer space", "Soviet and Russian pilot-cosmonauts", "American pilot-cosmonauts", "Medals, badges, postcards and calendars in honor of memorable events in the history of astronautics" and includes fragments of newsreel, periodicals, books and other objects spotlighting various milestones in the development of astronautics.