The Presidential Library invites to visit the famous Priyutino estate - one of the centers of the cultural life of St. Petersburg in the late 18th - late 19th centuries

30 April 2022

The Presidential Library provides a new virtual tour of the exposition of the Priyutino Literary and Art Memorial Estate, which is part of the Museum Agency of Leningrad Region.

The virtual tour prepared by the specialists of the institution together with the specialists of the Memorial Estate features the historic building and the exposition of the museum located in the former estate of the outstanding statesman of the 19th century, educator, the first director of the Imperial Public Library and President of the Academy of Arts Alexei Nikolaevich Olenin.

Over the years, the Olenins' country estate was visited by many famous cultural figures of the late 18th - first half of the 19th centuries. Among them are the writers Gavriil Derzhavin and Nikolai Karamzin, Konstantin Batyushkov and Vasily. Zhukovsky, artists Orest Kiprensky, Karl and Alexander Bryullov, composers Mikhail Glinka and Alexander Alyabyev. Among the closest friends at home for three decades were the great Russian fabulist Ivan Krylov and the translator of the Iliad, Nikolai Gnedich.

In 1828, Alexander Pushkin became a regular guest in Priyutino, who was carried away by the Olenin's youngest daughter Anna and dedicated several poems to her, which are usually combined into the “Olenin cycle”: “Alas! The language of love is chatty…", "Why your wonderful pencil... ", "Her eyes", "You are spoiled by nature...","Premonition", "Lush city, poor city..." and others.

The main museum building features the exposition that tells about the history of the estate, about the life of the Olenin family, as well as about those events in the history of Russian culture and art that are associated with the names of people who visited Priyutino. Most of the rooms have recreated interiors that correspond to their purpose: study, gallery, living room, bedroom, dining room. Living quarters on the male and female halves of the second floor complement the picture of the manor house.

Very little information about the appearance of the estate, as well as things from the Olenins' house, has reached our time. Therefore the exposition is based on a combination of a typologically recreated interior and a thematic exhibition part. The exposition includes valuable memorial and documentary materials: portraits, landscapes, sketches, personal belongings, autographs, books. The pride of the museum is a unique collection of furniture from the first third of the 19th century, as well as original items of decorative and applied art of that time.

Thanks to the virtual tour of the Presidential Library, art lovers today can remotely get acquainted with the permanent exhibition, as well as consider the smallest details, which is impossible within the framework of a traditional museum visit.

Virtual projects are an actively developing area of ​​activity of the Presidential Library, thanks to which the electronic repository, along with paper, photo, audio and video materials, is added with exhibits from exhibitions, items from museum collections.

Today, there are more than thirty virtual tours and tours available for remote visits. They are available on the Presidential Library portal in Exhibitions section at