International Book Salon: The Presidential Library attended “Donbass. The Right to Life" event

19 May 2022

On May 19, 2022 the Presidential Library at the St. Petersburg International Book Salon attended the information and educational event “Donbass. The Right to Life". The event is organized by the Union of Writers of Russia. The meeting participants will be writers, historians, public figures of St. Petersburg. Library’s specialists presented the digital collection Memory of the Great Victory and will tell about the cultural and educational projects of the institution.

One of the most important topics for the country and society today is the preservation of the historical memory of generations and the inadmissibility of distorting historical facts. The digital collection of the Presidential Library created in 2010 and constantly updated - Memory of the Great Victory – contains materials, the authenticity of which is beyond doubt. These are official documents, photographs and newsreels, wartime newspapers, collections of articles, biographies, testimonies of combatants and home front workers, their personal documents and others

A unique information resource - a complex of digitized archival documents, film and photo materials World War II in archival documents is placed on the library’s portal. This major project aims to eliminate attempts to falsify history. Identification and digitization of materials are carried out based on domestic, trophy and foreign archival collections. The organizers of the project, in accordance with the List of instructions for the implementation of the Address of the President of Russia to the Federal Assembly on January 15, 2020, are the Federal Archive, the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation and the Presidential Library. To date, the information resource contains about 5.5 thousand digitized archival documents, photographs and newsreels covering the period from January 1933 to June 1941. The work on the identification and declassification of archival documents, their digitization and placement in the Collection continues.

In addition, on May 19, the Presidential Library presented educational projects of the institution, which are held in various formats. They are based only on verified facts and authentic documents, because the main goal of such events is to preserve the historical truth, inadmissibility of its distortion, introduction, including the younger generation, with the historical and cultural memory of the people. During multimedia lessons one has opportunity to examine historical sources and scientific literature, learn about rare documents from different eras, and also test their knowledge. The topics of the classes, in particular, are Russian history in the works of Russian writers, the Decembrist uprising, the law of Ancient Rus’ – Russkaya Pravda and others. Recordings of speeches by famous historians are available in the Video Lectures section on the Presidential Library’s portal. Thanks to them, one has opportunity to learn more about the era and personality of Ivan the Terrible, the Time of Troubles, look at Empress Elizabeth Petrovna through the eyes of Catherine the Great, understand what really happened during the Civil War and etc. The Presidential Library also hosts an interactive Olympiad Russia in the Electronic World. The Olympiad consists of three stages, two of which are held remotely, thanks to which schoolchildren from different parts of Russia and foreign countries are involved in the project.