The Presidential Library and the National Research University Higher School of Economics signed cooperation agreement

16 June 2022

The signing of the cooperation agreement between the Presidential Library and the National Research University Higher School of Economics took place on June 16, 2022 within the XXV St. Petersburg International Economic Forum. The document was signed by Acting Director General of the Presidential Library Yuri Nosov and Rector of the Higher School of Economics Nikita Anisimov.

The agreement is focuses on the long-term partnership between the Presidential Library and the HSE University aimed at the creation of common information space in the field of national and world culture, science and education, preservation and popularization of the historic, cultural and scientific legacy of Russia.

The organization of joint conferences, exhibitions, lectures and other events, as well as the release of printed, polygraphic, audio and visual, multimedia products is planned within the terms of the agreement.

The document provides for the establishment of one or several electronic reading rooms of the Presidential Library under the administration of the Higher School of Economics. The Presidential Library’s resources will allow teachers, postgraduates and students to conduct comprehensive research. The Higher School of Economics in its turn will transfer materials to the Presidential Library which will provide a wide access.

The National Research University Higher School of Economics is a research university that accomplishes its mission through scientific and educational, project, expert-analytical and socio-cultural work based on the leading scientific and organizational standards.

The cooperation with higher education institutions is one of the key directions of activity of the Presidential Library. As of today, the Library has signed cooperation agreements with over 177 universities of Russia.