The Presidential Library discussed how Soviet cinema showed savings banks and their employees

28 June 2022

On June 28, 2022 the Presidential Library hosted a video lecture Savings Banks in Cinematography as part of the cultural and educational project Knowledge of Russia.

Elena Petrova, head of the museum department of the North-West branch of the bank, told how employees of savings institutions and their work were portrayed in domestic films and what caused the appearance of detective films about savings banks.

The information partner of the event is the social network VKontakte.

The video is available in the Presidential Library's VKontakte group.

The history of the origin and development of the savings business in Russia began with the signing by Emperor Nicholas I in November 1841 of a decree on the establishment of savings banks in Russia "for the purpose of delivering funds for savings in a correct and profitable way". Having appeared as a small institution "for people of all ranks", savings banks have come a long historical way to the largest ecosystem in the country.

Video lectures about the history and development of savings banks, about the director of institutions in the period of 1872-1893, bibliographer Pyotr Efremov and about the first depositor of savings banks are available on the page of the Presidential Library on the VKontakte social network.