Holidays with the Chelyabinsk Regional Centre of the Presidential Library

30 June 2022

The Regional Centre of the Presidential Library based on the Chelyabinsk Regional Universal Research Library successfully implements the Holidays at the Library project for a second year in a row.

The project contributes to the organization of children’s summer vacation, helps to make their leisure more vivid and meaningful, allows to broaden their horizons, and, of course, makes them fall in love with reading. It became a tradition for the schools of Chelyabinsk to visit the Library during the working days of school-based camps. This year, over 800 schoolchildren have already visited the Library.

The meetings started on June 1 with a big celebration dedicated to International Children’s Day. Children participated in the game Vertushka (Pinwheel) that featured different platforms, where they had to complete various tasks. Invaluable support in the organization of the event was provided by the teachers of the Raduga Center of Extracurricular Activities, who are long-time partners of the Library. After the celebration, all participants received gifts and stayed in high spirits.

June is a month full of events and memorable dates. The specialists of the Regional Centre of the Presidential Library hosted 17 thematic meetings with pupils. Children learned about Russian Language Day that is celebrated on the birthday of Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin and Russia Day. They found out why the eagle is two-headed and tested their knowledge of Pushkin’s tales. The meetings included games, logic training, solving riddles. Young readers also explored the Library’s museum and rare books’ department, and visited the book depository which is usually not available to the guests.

Special attention was paid to an important date in the history of Russia – Day of Remembrance and Sorrow on June 22. Alongside the specialists of the Regional Centre of the Presidential Library, children remembered the main dates of the Great Patriotic War, learned about the meaning of colors on the ribbon of Saint George, and read the authentic front letters from the collection Military Post – Southern Ural. They also learned about Chelyabinsk during the war. The city was awarded the honorary title City of Labour Valour for its great contribution to the victory over fascism, and was unofficially called Tankograd (City of Tanks).

Slogan Everything for the front! Everything for victory! is well-known by everyone, but it was especially meaningful for the residents of Chelyabinsk and Chelyabinsk Region. Here, heavy tanks, Katyushas and missiles were produced, tankmen were trained, new types of weapons were invented, badly wounded soldiers were rescued in the hospitals, but it was also the first place in the country where voluntary tank troops were formed. Everyone made their contribution, whether small or big, to reach the Victory Day as soon as possible.

The story of the Gazdanov family that lost seven sons during the war didn’t leave anyone indifferent. Children listened to the song Zhuravli (Cranes) performed by Mark Bernes, and had a moment of silence to honour those who gave us peace. At the event’s finale, kids solidified their knowledge through the illustrated game quiz.

The Presidential Library provides access to the collection of digitized archival documents, film and photo materials “World War II in archival documents” and the collection “1945: From the War to the Post-War World” that include archival materials telling about the events of the war period, studies, newspaper and magazine chronicles, photographs and caricatures.