Specialists of the Sakhalin Regional Center of the Presidential Library held an interactive game with children from the school camp

10 August 2022

Specialists of the Sakhalin Regional Center of the Presidential Library held an interactive game "Three Colors of Russia" with students of school summer playgrounds of Pushkin Gymnasium № 1 and school № 20 of the city of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk.

The event, which took place on the territory of the Sakhalin Regional Universal Scientific Library, was dedicated to the State Flag Day of the Russian Federation. Within its framework, Valentina Tarskaya, a specialist of the SRTSPB, suggested children looking for answers to the questions of an interactive game using electronic resources - the Presidential Library’s portal, the children's website of the President of Russia, as well as the National Electronic Children's Library.

One of the sections of the electronic collection of the Presidential Library, State Authority, introduces the symbols of state power. The section features Russian national and regional symbols, as well as legal documents that determine its form, content and use in different periods of Russian history. It also includes special studies on heraldry.