Campaign dedicated to the Russian tricolor held in Kurgan

19 August 2022

On the eve of the Day of the State Flag of the Russian Federation, the Yugov Kurgan Regional Universal Scientific Library, together with the Office of the Federal Bailiff Service of Kurgan Region and the Kurgan Youth House, held a campaign “Our Russian Tricolor” for the townspeople.

The event has been attended by both adults and children. An informative quiz has been organized for them. The most active participants received memorable souvenirs. A master class on making a flag was also held during the campaign.

The Regional Center of the Presidential Library, based on KOUNB, introduced event participants to the history of the symbols of state power and also showed a short documentary film about the Russian flag from the Presidential Library’s collection.

Representatives of the Office of the Federal Bailiff Service of Kurgan Region demonstrated to the participants of the campaign the symbols of the Federal Bailiff Service of Russia and told its story.

A contest of drawings on asphalt was held at the end of the campaign. In addition, one of the participants in the creative contest, who dedicated not only a drawing, but also a quatrain to the Russian tricolor, was awarded a special prize for the mastery of versification.

The Presidential Library contains the most valuable collections of documents spotlighting the history of the country from ancient times to the present day. The collections of the institution provide a lot of interesting materials about the symbols of state power, which are available in the Symbols of the State Authority section of the State Authority basic collection.