Authors of the Novy Chasovoy magazine revealed interesting facts about the life of Peter I
On September 21, 2022 the Presidential Library hosted a video lecture as part of the cycle “You are immortal, Great Peter: marking the 350th anniversary since the birth of Peter I”.
The presentation of the new issue of the military and historical magazine Novy Chasovoy (New Sentry) dedicated to the 350th anniversary of the first Russian emperor took place within the framework of the event. Authors of the publication told about their research of the Peter’s era.
History of the magazine’s name is associated with the Russian emigrant military periodicals – the widely-known in the Russian Diaspora magazine Chasovoy (Sentry), the first issue of which was released in Paris in 1929. Afterwards, it was published in Brussels up until 1988.
Novy Chasovoy found its interested readers in 1994. 23 issues have been published since then. Since 2020, the magazine releases new publications twice a year. During this time, hundreds of research papers, dozens of archival and documentary materials, recollections, letters, rare illustrations, reviews, etc. have been published on the magazine’s pages. Novy Chasovoy is now considered to be one of the most interesting and informative military and historical magazines in Russia. The periodical pays special attention to the careful preservation of the historical memory and the objective coverage of historical events of the country.
Chief Editor, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Director of the Scientific Research Institute of Educational Regional Studies of the Herzen Russian State University Vladimir Yakovlev told about the 24th issue of the Novy Chasovoy magazine. The new publication is dedicated to the anniversary of Peter I and contains articles by historians from St. Petersburg and other cities.
As part of the video lecture, Vladimir Yakovlev also gave a presentation on the topic “Peter I and the fates of the representatives of the Orthodox Church (on the example of Metropolitan Cornelius, Metropolitan Parthenius and Archimandrite Gideon Odorsky)”.
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Docent of the Herzen University Dmitry Kopelev told about the little-known page of the naval history in Russia in the era of Peter I in his lecture “Documents of Vice Admiral Daniel Jacob Wilster and the correction of the Madagascar Campaign of 1724”.
The recording of the event is available on the institution’s Rutube-channel.
The Presidential Library regularly hosts interactive lessons and video lectures. Additional information is available on the institution’s portal in Multimedia Lessons section and Video Lectures for School section, which features the recordings of past lectures and open lessons held in the Presidential Library.