The collection of archival documents about Peter I presented at a round table in the Presidential Library

5 October 2022

On October 5, 2022 the Presidential Library hosted the round table "Socio-economic development of Russia in the XVIII century: Marking the 350th anniversary since the birth of Peter I". The event has been organized within the framework of the XIII Scientific and Practical Conference “Cultural Heritage: Integration of Resources in the Digital Space”.

The round table has brought together representatives of libraries, archives, museums, educational and scientific institutions, public associations, federal and regional organizations. Participants have talked over archival fonds, formation of collections in the digital environment, recent studies.

Economic reforms and principles of Peter I’s economic policy, specifics of industrial and agricultural development of Russia, transformation of the social structure of the society in the first quarter of the XVIII century, the significance of Peter I’s socio-economic reforms have been discussed at the event.

The Presidential Library’s collection Peter I (1672-1725), featuring over 600 depositary items – archival materials, dedicated to Peter I and the work of the tsar-reformer, has been presented within the framework of the round table. It contains documentary prose of the XVIII-XIX centuries, works of the first biographers of Peter I, collection of anecdotes and tales about him, decrees and letters of the emperor.

The Presidential Library’s electronic collections contain various materials about Peter I. For example, the multimedia exhibition Peter’s Petersburg – the economic center of the Russian State, available on the institution’s portal, tells about the emperor’s economic reforms. The electronic exposition allows users to learn about the development of trade, industry and production since 1703 and the management of economic activity of the Russian state. In addition, the joint project of the Presidential Library and the Library of the Russian Academy of Sciences Library of Peter I reveals what books the first Russian emperor read.

The events of the XIII Scientific and Practical Conference “Cultural Heritage: Integration of Resources in the Digital Space” take place on October 3-5, 2022 at the Fyodorov Kuzbass State Research Library in Kemerovo and the Presidential Library in St. Petersburg.

The organizers are the Presidential Library under the jurisdiction of the Administrative Directorate of the President of the Russian Federation, Federal Archival Agency, Union of Museums of Russia, Russian Library Association, Ministry of Culture and National Policy of Kuzbass, Ministry of Culture of Kemerovo Region, Fyodorov Kuzbass State Research Library.

The video recording of the round table “Socio-economic development of Russia in the XVIII century: Marking the 350th anniversary since the birth of Peter I” is available on the Presidential Library’s Rutube-channel.