Future teachers of Penza Region learned about the possibilities of the Presidential Library

14 November 2022

On November 14, 2022 employees of the Regional Center of the Presidential Library based on the Lermontov Penza Regional Library held an offsite event for students of the Faculty of History and Philology at Penza State University.

The specialists of the center told future teachers about the electronic resources of the Presidential Library, its basic collections Territory of Russia, Russian People and State Authority, which included digital copies of official documents, monographs and popular research papers, dissertations, archival and museum objects of storage.

The students learned about the personal collections of the Presidential Library: Peter I (1672–1725), Pyotr Stolypin (1862–1911), Mikhail Speransky (1772–1839), Nikolay Karamzin (1766–1826).

Special attention was paid to materials from collections dedicated to historical events - overcoming the Time of Troubles in Russia, the Decembrist uprising, the Great Patriotic War, the Emancipation Reform of 1861 and the Russo-Japanese War.

The employees of the regional center told the students about the project Multimedia Lessons of the Presidential Library, which was developed to integrate the resources of a modern electronic library into the educational process.

With particular interest, young people studied the section On This Day which contains historical and biographical information, as well as short articles with links to library materials.

All those present were invited to join live broadcasts of video lectures and webinars held in Live broadcasts section on the Presidential Library’s portal as well as on the institution's Rutube-channel.

Also, the employees of the electronic reading room invited future teachers to take part in the contest of students’ works. The main condition for participation is the use of the Presidential Library’s resources.

At the end of the event, everyone who wished filled out a questionnaire to become readers of the regional center of access to the Presidential Library's resources.

The Presidential Library’s portal features the collection Penza Region: Pages of History. It includes archive documents, essays, studies, statistical and other materials that spotlight various aspects of the development of the region in different historical periods.


Based on the materials of http://liblermont.ru/ portal