The Russian Cultural Foundation, together with the Russian House in Minsk, holds the festival “RCF. Cultural Marathon in Minsk”

22 November 2022

The Russian Cultural Foundation, together with the Russian House in Minsk, holds the festival “RCF. Cultural Marathon in Minsk”. The event was launched on November 21 at the the Skaryna Minsk Gymnasium № 1.

On this day, writers Tamara Mikheeva and Yuri Nechiporenko, theater and film actors Evgenia Malakhova, Alexander Davydov and Anastasia Panina, animator Maria Stepanova, illustrator Nina Lyubavina, and art critic Natalya Avgustinovich held workshops and creative meetings with students of the gymnasium. In turn, the guys prepared a festive concert for the guests from Russia.

Also, within the framework of the cultural marathon, the writer and publicist Aleksey Varlamov discussed various aspects of writing with Belarusian students.

Events of the festival “RCF. Cultural Marathon in Minsk” will be held until November 25, 2022.

It should be noted that 6 remote electronic reading rooms of the Presidential Library have been opened in Republic of Belarus, which allow visitors to learn about the whole variety of collections of the library's electronic holdings. For example, the collection Belarus: the History of the Fraternal People includes official documents, publications of a historical and legal nature, spiritual literature, essays, memoirs, ethnographic collections, as well as pictorial and cartographic materials that spotlight various aspects of the life of the country in the period from the 16th to beginning of the 20th century.

Based on the materials of portal