New publications entered school library collections in Sverdlovsk Region

18 December 2022

On December 12, 2022 employees of the Regional Center of the Presidential Library based on the Belinsky Sverdlovsk Regional Universal Scientific Library handed over the collected books for the library of school № 8 in the village of Bulanash, Artyomovsky urban district.  

The fundraiser ran for three months. Its idea was born as a result of the regional grant competition "Coordinate System". Raisa Smetanina, head of the library of secondary school № 8, presented the project “Presidential Library for Schoolchildren”. Together with teachers of history and social studies, Russian language and literature, the school implements comprehensive lessons, activities and games based on the resources of the electronic holdings. One of the important components of the project was traditional book publications - in the process of dealing with schoolchildren, it is very important to use a classic paper book. This is especially necessary for elementary school pupils: flip through the pages, look at beautiful illustrations, and discuss what they read. However, school library collections have not been added with art, historical and encyclopedic literature for a long time.   

According to the results of the competition, the project of Raisa Khamzyanovna became the best in the nomination "Recognition of colleagues". Despite the fact that the project did not receive funding, the participants and organizers of the competition found a solution how to make the dream of new publications for the school come true. Thus, over 300 books were collected during the three months of the campaign: popular science literature on the history of Russia, adapted for elementary and middle grades, fiction for kids and teenagers of various genres.

More than 70 people took part in the campaign: the employees of the Belinsky Library, librarians from Kushvinsky, Sosvinsky, Nevyansky city districts, librarians from Moscow, Ryazan, Kurgan, as well as residents of Yekaterinburg and Artyomovsky city district. Educational organizations were not left out. Thus, several dozen books were collected by students and a librarian of the Gymnasium № 210 "Corypheus" of the city of Yekaterinburg.

Specialists of the Regional Center of the Presidential Library in a solemn atmosphere handed over all the collected books to the library, and also held a "Lesson of Kindness". Pupils of the 4th grade were told about the good deeds that were described in different years in the Murzilka magazine, and the children themselves filled out a checklist of good deeds that they are going to perform before the end of the year. The guys with genuine joy looked at the new editions, which will soon be available to take home.

The Presidential Library’s portal features the collection Sverdlovsk Region: Pages of History including statistical materials, studies, essays and photographs of the 19th - early 20th centuries and spotlights geographical, demographic, socio-economic and socio-political aspects the history of the region.