Interregional web quest marking the 80th anniversary of the victory in the Battle of Stalingrad launched in Penza

2 February 2023

Specialists of the Lermontov Penza Regional Library held a web quest "Stalingrad: not a step back" marking the 80th anniversary of the defeat of the Nazi troops by the Soviet troops in the Battle of Stalingrad. Everyone is invited to participate in the event. It starts on February 2, 2023. The web quest is held with the information support of the Presidential Library.

The main goal set by the organizers is to remind at what cost the Battle of Stalingrad was won, with what courage the Soviet soldiers fought and what civilians had to endure.

Web quest answers are hard to find online. Therefore, for each task, links to electronic copies of books, documentaries and virtual tours of museums will be offered, which will help in finding the necessary information.

Participants will learn about archival documents, photographs, fragments of military chronicles and other materials that store the memories of eyewitnesses of those events, as well as learn interesting facts about one of the most important pitched battles of World War II and the Great Patriotic War.

All those who coped with the tasks of the web quest will receive a certificate of its successful completion, and the first winner will become the owner of an interesting book.

The section of the collection Memory of the Great Victory, available on the Presidential Library’s portal, is dedicated to the Battle of Stalingrad. It contains documentary and journalistic publications, fragments of newsreels, photographs and much more. The entire collection and the section dedicated to the Battle of Stalingrad are constantly updated with new materials.

Based on the materials of portal