The Presidential Library and the Prosecutor's Office of Leningrad Region strengthen cooperation

9 February 2023

A cooperation agreement between the Presidential Library and the Prosecutor's Office of Leningrad Region was signed on February 9, 2023. The document was signed by the library’s Director General Yuri Nosov and the Prosecutor of Leningrad Region, Sergei Zhukovsky.

The agreement provides for the implementation of joint educational and cultural activities using the Presidential Library’s resources. Specialized electronic collections will be prepared on the subject of events.

According to Director General of the Presidential Library Yuri Nosov, “one of the important points of the agreement concerns the promotion of information about the resources and projects of the Presidential Library among students, teachers and parents. To a large extent, this applies to the Collection of digitized archival documents, film and photo materials about the Second World War. The organizers of the Collection are the Federal Archival Agency, the Administrative Directorate of the President of the Russian Federation and the Presidential Library. Documents are publicly available on the library’s portal.  

Sergei Zhukovsky, Prosecutor of Leningrad Region, emphasized: “The Prosecutor's Office of Leningrad Region has already fruitfully cooperated with the Presidential Library. On the eve of the 300th anniversary of the Prosecutor's Office of Russia, we studied archival documents available in the library, found a number of valuable materials for us about the history and work of prosecutors in our agglomeration in the pre-revolutionary period, which entered our museum holdings”.    

The Presidential Library and the Prosecutor's Office of Leningrad Region have common goals and objectives. This is opposition to attempts to falsify history, as well as strengthening in the public mind, especially among young people, the ideas of statehood, citizenship and patriotism.

It is no coincidence that the official part of the event was continued by the presentation of the students of the St. Petersburg Law Institute (branch) of the University of the Prosecutor's Office of Russia with the reconstruction "Trials of the Nazis and their accomplices in Nuremberg". The initiator of a joint project with the St. Petersburg branch of the University on the historical reconstruction of some episodes of the Nuremberg trial was the leadership of the Prosecutor's Office of Leningrad Region. During the reconstruction, the key episodes of the legendary process are highlighted, the atrocities of the main ideological inspirers and leaders of unjustifiably cruel actions and bloody atrocities, as well as their accomplices, are presented, the high professionalism and dedication to their work of public prosecutors who spoke on behalf of the Soviet Union were demonstrated.

The spectators of the reconstruction were Governor of Leningrad Region Alexander Drozdenko, Vice-Governor of St. Petersburg Valery Pikalev, Deputy Chairman of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation Alexander Klaus and other honored guests.

It should be noted that a lot of materials are available on the portal and the Presidential Library's collections, telling about the history and present day of the Prosecutor's Office of Russia, some of them are included in the section Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation of the basic collection of the Presidential Library State Authority.

The library’s portal also provides a virtual tour around the exhibition Keepers of the Law: marking the 300th anniversary of the establishment of the Prosecutor's Office of Russia, which was opened in the Presidential Library in 2022 and is dedicated to the history of the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Empire: its establishment, formation and development, the activities of the Prosecutor General of the Senate in 1722-1802 and the Ministers of Justice, ex officio who were Prosecutor Generals, in 1802-1917.