Schoolchildren, students and cadets of Khakassia took part in a quiz marking the 80th anniversary of the victory in the Battle of Stalingrad

10 February 2023

The Regional Center of the Presidential Library in Khakassia based on the N. G. Domozhakov National Library organized the republican historical quiz “February! Stalingrad! Victory!". The event marked the 80th anniversary of the defeat of the Nazi troops by the Soviet troops in the Battle of Stalingrad. The initiative to hold the quiz was supported by the municipal libraries of the republic and the Regional Centers of the Presidential Library in different regions of the country.

The participants of the intellectual tournament, which took place on February 2, 2023 in Khakassia, involved more than 800 schoolchildren, students and cadets aged 12 to 25 years. Irina Braim, Deputy Minister of Culture of Republic of Khakassia, addressed them with a greeting.

In the capital of the republic, the N. G. Domozhakov National Library, the Abakan Central City Library, branches № 4 and 12, as well as the Youth Library Branch “Rovesnik” of the Abakan Centralized Library System became the venues for the quiz.

According to the results of the intellectual tournament, the team of students of vocational school № 16 from the village of Tashtyp prevailed. The students of the Bulakin Lyceum from the city of Abakan became the silver medalists. The third place was taken by schoolchildren from the village of Ust-Abakan.

About 200 cadets took part in the quiz, which took place in Khakassia on February 5, 2023 at the Central City Library.

Historical quiz “February! Stalingrad! Victory!" also took place at the Regional Centers of the Presidential Library in Tver, Murmansk, Chelyabinsk, Tambov, Tomsk, Sakhalin Regions as well as Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Area.

The section of the collection Memory of the Great Victory, available on the Presidential Library’s portal, is dedicated to the Battle of Stalingrad. It contains documentary and journalistic publications, fragments of newsreels, photographs and much more. The entire collection and the section dedicated to the Battle of Stalingrad constantly enter with new materials.

Based on the materials of portal