The Presidential Library’s video lecture portrayed the founder of Russian scientific pedagogy Konstantin Ushinsky

21 February 2023

On February 21, 2023, the Presidential Library hosted a video lecture “Konstantin Ushinsky: Educator of the Human Spirit” marking the 200th anniversary of the scientist-teacher. The event was the first in a series of lectures about the history of education in Russia and is timed to coincide with the Year of Teachers and Mentors.

Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky is the first professional teacher who systematized scientific knowledge, defined the tasks and content of Russian pedagogy. At the heart of his pedagogical method is the rejection of the “pedagogy of fear”, of maintaining discipline by the method of “carrot and stick”. The author of popular stories for children and school textbooks, including readers in the Russian language, Ushinsky advocated a philosophical understanding of the process of education and upbringing. “The formation of a human-being in a human-being” – this principle underlies the scientific and pedagogical views of Ushinsky.

Famous scientists told about the founder of Russian pedagogy at the Presidential Library’s video lecture.

“Konstantin Ushinsky: “a truly humane education is the upbringing of the human spirit” – this topic was touched upon during the video lecture by Mikhail Viktorovich Boguslavsky, Chief Researcher of the Institute for Education Development Strategy of the Russian Academy of Education, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Education. He considered the main provisions of the educational system of Ushinsky and his pedagogical approaches to strengthen and develop the human spirit.

The video lecture also spotlighted the life and career of Konstantin Ushinsky, preserving the memory of him and his oeuvre. Konstantin Yuryevich Milovanov, Senior Researcher at the Institute for Education Development Strategy of the Russian Academy of Education, Candidate of Historical Sciences, focused on this topic.

Dmitry Alexandrovich Dontsov, Associate Professor of the Department of Methodology of Psychology of the Faculty of Psychology of Lomonosov Moscow State University, Candidate of Psychological Sciences in his speech reminded listeners that the task of a teacher, according to Ushinsky, is the formation of such moral and aesthetic qualities that reveal, develop and strengthen a unique, inimitable personality in every student.

Vasilisa Yuryevna Kapustina, Senior Lecturer of the Department of General Psychology of the Institute of Experimental Psychology of the Moscow State Psychological and Pedagogical University, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences told about the pedagogical anthropology of Konstantin Ushinsky.

The video recording of the lecture is available on the Presidential Library’s Rutube channel.

The Presidential Library regularly holds interactive lessons and video lectures. Detailed information is available on the institution's portal in the Multimedia Lessons section and in the Video Lectures for School heading. Video recordings of lectures and open lessons are also available here.