Specialists of the Regional Center of the Presidential Library prepared a virtual exhibition about the House of Romanov

17 April 2023

Specialists of the Regional Center of the Presidential Library in Republic of Bashkortostan based on the Akhmet-Zaki Validi National Library of Republic of Bashkortostan have prepared a virtual exhibition The History of the Crowned Family.

The exposition shows the history of the House of Romanov. Among the exhibits are biographical materials, photographs, personal diaries, unique shots from the coronation and other interesting materials.

The exhibition is timed to coincide with the 205th anniversary of the birth of Alexander II and the 155th anniversary of Nicholas II. The exposition features a large number of materials from the collections of the Presidential Library The House of Romanov. The Zemsky Sobor of 1613, ALEXANDER II (1818–1881) and NICHOLAS II (1868–1918).

In addition, the exhibition showcases interesting online resources dedicated to the royal family, as well as an overview of museums, palaces and chambers, some of which can be visited virtually.

The Presidential Library’s portal features the collection Republic of Bashkortostan: Pages of History. It includes studies, essays, archival documents, statistical, cartographic and audiovisual materials covering various aspects of the development of the region in the 18th-21st centuries.

Based on the materials of http://www.bashnl.ru portal