The Presidential Library announced the names of the winners of the "Russia in the Electronic World" Olympiad

20 April 2023

The results of the "Russia in the Electronic World" Olympiad have been summed up in the Presidential Library. This academic year, about 3,000 children from the Russian Federation and foreign countries, including Belarus, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Iran, Syria, Mongolia, Slovakia, Italy, Azerbaijan, China, Tajikistan, Spain, Egypt, Brazil, Serbia, Bulgaria attended the contest.

The Olympiad was traditionally held in the subjects "History", "Social Studies", "Russian Language" and "Russian as a Foreign Language". The guys could try their hand at each of the disciplines or choose the direction which they understand best. The contest included several stages. The final was held in St. Petersburg, on Senate Square, 3, and in the remote electronic reading rooms of the institution in the regions of Russia and abroad. The tasks of the Olympiad were based on the materials from the electronic collections of the Presidential Library.

Yegor Kolesnik (Vladimir Region) and Daria Sekirnikova (Murmansk Region) became the winners in the subject "History" according to the results of the individual classification.

Yekaterina Panina (Altai Territory), Alexandra Kuznetsova (Nizhny Novgorod Region) and Aidina Fatikhova (Republic of Tatarstan) shared the first place in the Russian language subject.

Among the “Social Studies” subject, the first place was taken by Dina Vyalshina (Moscow Region), Ivan Giyasov (Penza Region), Irina Datsko (Tomsk Region), Anna Koshevskaya (Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Area - Yugra) and Anna Montina (Tyumen Region).

Akbar Sharipov (Uzbekistan), Azhar Zhakupova (Kazakhstan), Zhanar Zhakupova (Kazakhstan), Aidana Tolegenova (Kazakhstan) and Khurshed Farmonov (Tajikistan) became the winners in the subject "Russian as a foreign language".

The winners and prize-awardees of the Olympiad will be awarded diplomas and memorable gifts from the Presidential Library.

The main objective of the educational project is to involve students in dealing with archival sources on the history, theory and practice of Russian statehood, because the electronic collections of the Presidential Library involve over a million digitized copies of rare documents that make up the cultural heritage of our country. The event is also aimed at finding and supporting young talents, popularizing humanitarian knowledge among the youth.

It should be noted that during the entire existence of the interactive educational project - since 2010 - about 57,000 people have tried their hand at it, many of whom later entered leading universities of Russia.

The full list of winners and prize-awardees of the 2022/2023 academic year is available on the official website of the Olympiad at the links: и