The film "Return to my Krasnoselsky district" presented at the Presidential Library
On April 26, 2023 the Presidential Library, as part of a cinema club meeting, broadcasted a documentary "Return to my Krasnoselsky district", dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the foundation of the Krasnoselsky district of St. Petersburg.
Founded on April 13, 1973 the Krasnoselsky district became significant for the whole of St. Petersburg, since it was on this land that the firing line of the defence of Leningrad passed during the Great Patriotic War.
The film "Return to my Krasnoselsky district" has been created with the participation of residents of the Krasnoselsky district, who told about their small homeland, shared memories of life in this area since its foundation, told about public spaces, architectural objects and houses that have disappeared forever.
“Initially, we wanted to tell the story of the Krasnoselsky district through the stories of its residents”, - said director Maria Gulyako. – We met a romantic who perceives the surrounding reality through the prism of creativity and art; working, loving and knowing the place where he lives; a woman who, as a child, walked with her father around the Krasnoselsky district, and these walks shaped her - it was as if we looked into the windows to completely different people. And they saw themselves”.
The Presidential Library’s portal features the electronic collection St. Petersburg: Pages of History. It includes official documents, studies, reference and statistical publications, archival and visual materials that spotlight certain aspects of the socio-economic, socio-political, territorial and cultural development of the city from the moment of its foundation to the beginning of the 21st century.