Local history lesson in Belebey dedicated to Alexander Pushkin’s life and career

9 June 2023

Specialists of the Regional Center of the Presidential Library based on the Akhmet-Zaki Validi National Library of Republic of Bashkortostan held a local history lesson for students of the medical college "The name of Alexander Pushkin on the map of Bashkortostan". The event took place at the remote electronic reading room of the Presidential Library in the city of Belebey.

In addition, students learned about the materials from the collection of the Presidential Library Alexander Pushkin (1799–1837) which contains digital copies of books, articles, archival documents, theses, video films, visual and other materials.

At the end of the event future doctors were also presented with information booklets spotlighting the resources of the Presidential Library and the possibilities of their use in the educational process.

The Presidential Library’s portal features the collection Republic of Bashkortostan: Pages of History. It includes studies, essays, archival documents, statistical, cartographic and audiovisual materials covering various aspects of the development of the region in the 18th-21st centuries.


Based on the materials of https://belebeycbs.ru/ portal