A professional forum for library specialists to be held in Penza

20 June 2023

From June 30 to July 1, 2023, the interregional forum Under the Lermontov Star for library specialists will be held in Penza. The organizers are: the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Penza Region, the Lermontov Penza Regional Library, the Russian Library Association, the Russian National Library, the Russian State Library, and the Russian State Library for Youth.

An interregional round table Methodological Service of Regional Libraries in Modern Conditions will be held, a youth platform Library 3.0: In Partnership with the User will open, special events Regional Centre of the Presidential Library: Range of Action and Book, Reading, Library in the Life of Special Readers will be held within the framework of the forum.

The main topic of the forum will be related to the issues of scientific and methodological activities of libraries. Regional practices on the creation of model libraries will be considered. The event will focus on the role of young professionals in the library and information sphere. Participants will discuss innovative methods of holding events for people with disabilities, as well as issues of modernization of special libraries.

Special attention will be paid to the organizational and methodological support of remote access centers to the Presidential Library’s resources and the use of its materials in information and educational activities. On the agenda are issues of organizing events for young people and work within the framework of the Pushkin Card project.

The forum will also celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Penza Regional Centre of the Presidential Library. In addition, the participants will have a cultural program – a visit to the Tarkhany State Lermontov Museum-Reserve, where the All-Russian Lermontov Poetry Festival will be held on July 1, 2023.

One can take part in the forum both in person and remotely – in the format of a video presence. Please note that there is no charge for participation in the event. At the same time, payment for travel, accommodation and travel expenses is made at the expense of the sending party.

To participate, it is necessary to register. To learn more about the forum events, one should contact the organizing committee.

The Presidential Library’s portal features the collection Penza Region: Pages of History. It contains archival documents, essays, studies, statistical and other materials covering various aspects of the region’s development in different historical periods.


Based on the materials of the https://www.liblermont.ru/ portal