Combining history and modern technology. The Presidential Library provides a tour

15 August 2023

In the historic center of St. Petersburg near St. Isaac's Cathedral, the Admiralty and the Bronze Horseman there is an architectural ensemble of the Senate and Synod buildings - a grandiose creation of the outstanding architect Carlo Rossi.

The buildings were erected in 1835. The Internet project The Ensemble of Senate and Synod Buildings on the Presidential Library’s portal tells about the history of the creation of the ensemble and the activities of the institutions located here at different times. Today, these buildings house the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation and the Presidential Library.

The Presidential Library was opened after a major reconstruction and restoration in the historic building of the Holy Synod on May 27, 2009. This is a multifunctional cultural and educational, scientific, information and analytical center, which has the status of the national library of Russia.

Thanks to the Presidential Library’s tours one can see how history is closely intertwined with the latest technologies, as well as learn about the activities of the institution.

The attendees will be told about the architectural features of the building of the Holy Synod. They will inspect the restored historical interiors, climb the main staircase, following the path of prominent state and church leaders of the Russian Empire, visit the home church of the Holy Fathers of the Seven Ecumenical Councils: today it is a functioning church where divine services are held, including the participation of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus'.

In the electronic reading room, the sightseers will be told how the collections of the Presidential Library, the country's largest national electronic repository of digital copies of the most important documents on the history of Russia, are being formed. The guests will learn what materials are available in the collections, which volume exceeds one million depository items, and how to deal with these resources.

Visitors to the Presidential Library will see an impressive result of a major reconstruction of the historical building of the Synod - the Hall of Columns. The hall is equipped with a set of technical facilities that allow holding events of various levels and formats: interstate meetings, international and all-Russian forums, conferences, concerts, and so on. Once on the site of this solemn atrium hall there was an open-air courtyard.

Guests of the historical building of the Synod will visit the exhibition halls of the Presidential Library. One of them is a permanent exhibition on the history of Russia's constitutional development in the 20th century. The centerpiece in the hall is a showcase with an exact copy of the inaugural copy of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, donated by the head of state on the Presidential Library’s opening day.

The other two exhibition halls of the Presidential Library house temporary expositions dedicated to significant historical and cultural events and anniversaries that are associated with the life of our city and country.

Until the end of September, one can visit the exhibition “285 Years of Russian Ballet”, dedicated to the anniversary of the Vaganova Academy of Russian Ballet, one of the best ballet schools in the world. The exposition in the Presidential Library will allow literally immersing in the history of ballet art. Library guests will see theatrical costumes, original posters and photographs, paintings and sculptures, personal belongings of famous Academy graduates: Matilda Kshesinskaya, Anna Pavlova, Galina Ulanova and others.

Visitors to the Presidential Library will also visit the modern multifunctional multimedia transforming hall. Depending on the format of the event, it can be configured into one large hall, two medium or four small halls. The workplaces located here are equipped with conference systems, voting systems, listening to audio information and viewing video materials. Access to the resources of the electronic reading room of the Presidential Library can be provided from workplaces. The multimedia hall regularly hosts lectures, workshops, film screenings and other events that bring together participants from Russian cities and countries around the world.

We are always glad to meet you at the Presidential Library!

For questions about visiting the Presidential Library, organizing tours of the building and exhibitions of the institution, please contact the excursion and methodological group:

Phone +7 (812) 334-25-14;


One can also independently go through electronic registration on the website of the Presidential Library at the link

More information about tour services at the Presidential Library is available in the Excursions section on the institution's portal.

Information about the activities and events of the Presidential Library is available on the institution's portal in the Announcements and News sections, on the library's official pages on VKontakte and Odnoklassniki social networks, on the Rutube platform and on the Telegram-channel.