Presidential Library joins the VIII Eastern Economic Forum
The Presidential Library, subordinated to the Administrative Directorate of the President of the Russian Federation, will traditionally join the VIII Eastern Economic Forum, which is held from September 10 to 13, 2023 in Vladivostok.
Eastern Economic Forum will include meetings between the leadership of the Presidential Library and representatives of state authorities and cultural institutions of the Far Eastern Federal District, rectors of universities. A number of agreements on cooperation on the issues of preservation and promotion of the historical and cultural heritage of the Russian Federation will also be signed.
At the EEF site at the stand of Primorye Territory, forum participants will be able to watch a video about the collection of the Presidential Library Far East: Point of Attraction, which illustrates the history, economy, science and culture of one of the most important and most dynamically developing regions of Russia.
The history of the Far East is a history of discoveries, overcoming and survival. Having passed the path of testing in the development of new lands, the Far East has become a region of Russia with a powerful resource potential.
The collection includes more than 1,500 depository items such as archival materials, traveler research, photographs, maps, documents that reveal the history of the development of each of the 11 subjects of the Far Eastern Federal District. A separate section is devoted to international relations with the countries of the Asia-Pacific region. Official documents related to the preparation and holding of the EEF are presented separately.
The collection Far East: Point of Attraction is available to users worldwide thanks to the Presidential Library’s portal.