The Presidential Library signed an agreement with the Vladimir K. Arseniev State United Museum of far East History
On September 9, 2023, the Presidential Library, subordinate to the Administrative Directorate of the President of the Russian Federation, entered into a cooperation agreement with Vladimir K. Arseniev State United Museum of Far East History. The event took place on the eve of the VIII Eastern Economic Forum, which this year is held from September 10-13.
The document was signed by the Director General of the Presidential Library, Yuri Nosov, and the Director of the Vladimir K. Arseniev State United Museum of Far East History Viktor Shalay.
The agreement notes that the main goal of joint activities is the development of domestic and world culture, science and education, spiritual, moral and patriotic education of Russian citizens.
The cooperation will implement scientific, educational and cultural events - round tables, seminars, workshops, and organize practical training for students and young professionals.
Director General of the Presidential Library Yuri Nosov especially noted the high role of regional cultural centers in the development of national culture and science, such as the museum-reserve for the Far East, and expressed confidence that the signing of a cooperation agreement will contribute to the preservation and popularization of the historical and cultural heritage of the Russian Federation.
Director of the State United Museum-Reserve of the History of Far East Viktor Shalay emphasized: “We are ready for any productive and mutually beneficial forms of cooperation at both sites – in Vladivostok and St. Petersburg”.
Vladimir K. Arseniev State United Museum of Far East History is the largest museum in Primorye Territory. The history and nature of the region, collections about the researchers of the region - M. I. Venyukov, N. M. Przhevalsky and others, collected materials on history, archeology and ethnography have been formed.
The electronic collections of the Presidential Library contain more than a million digitized copies of rare documents that constitute the historical, scientific and cultural heritage of our country. To reveal its content, the practice of creating digital collections on various topics, persons, and important events is used, including collections dedicated to the regions of the Russian Federation. Thus, the library’s portal features the collection Far East: Point of Attraction, which includes materials that spotlight the history, economics, science and culture of the region revealing its significance in the international political system.