The Presidential Library and Pacific State University outlined ways for further cooperation
On September 10, 2023, on the sidelines of the VIII Eastern Economic Forum, the Presidential Library, subordinate to the Administrative Directorate of the President of the Russian Federation, and the Pacific State University entered into a new open-ended agreement and approved a cooperation plan for 2023–2024.
In the presence of the head of the Information and Communication Technologies Department of the Office of the President of the Russian Federation, Sergei Grinevich, the documents were signed by Director General of the Presidential Library, Yuri Nosov, and acting rector of the Pacific State University, Yuri Marfin.
According to the head of the Information and Communication Technologies Department of the Administrative Directorate of the President of the Russian Federation, Sergei Grinevich, the partnership of the parties will be aimed at creating a single information space in the field of domestic and world culture, science and education, preserving and popularizing the historical, cultural and scientific heritage of Russia.
“The agreement and cooperation plan that we signed today will strengthen our interaction in the formation of electronic collections of the library and the university. Joint conferences, workshops, exhibitions, and implement educational projects in the field of the history of Russian statehood, the Russian language, national and world culture, science and education will be held”, - noted Director General of the Presidential Library Yuri Nosov.
As part of the signed agreement, Pacific State University will donate digital copies of documents to the Presidential Library. They include archives of the newspapers “For Engineering Personnel”, “Uchitel”, magazines “LibrariumDV” and “My University”, as well as publications dedicated to the history of the Pacific State University.
This is not the first agreement concluded between the institutions. In 2011, the Pacific State University opened a remote access center the resources of the Presidential Library, which provides the full variety of electronic collections on the history of Russia and its regions. Thus, the Presidential Library’s portal features a major electronic collection Far East: Point of Attraction. It includes more than 1,500 materials that spotlight the history, economics, science, culture of the region and revealing the role of the region in the international political system.
The VIII Eastern Economic Forum, which takes place on September 10–13, 2023 in Vladivostok, is designed to promote the development of the economy of the Far East and the expansion of international cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region. Within its framework, the Presidential Library presents a number of events aimed at strengthening the strategic partnership with the district.