Virtual tour of the People's Military-Historical Complex of the Great Patriotic War "Sambek Heights" available on the Presidential Library’s portal

14 November 2023

It is now possible to visit the regional memorial complex in honor of Soviet soldiers, erected in Rostov Region near the village of Sambek, without leaving home. A virtual tour of the Sambek Heights People's Military-Historical Complex is available on the Presidential Library’s portal.

The authors of the interactive project are the Creative Association “Marche Fano”.

The Sambek Heights Museum Complex is located on the territory where, during the Great Patriotic War, not far from Taganrog on the western bank of the Mius River, there was a fortified defensive line of German troops - the Mius Front. Soviet troops tried to break through the Mius Front line twice: from December 1941 to July 1942 and from February to August 1943. This was achieved at the cost of heavy losses only in August 1943 during the Donbass offensive operation, which was carried out by troops of the Southwestern Front under the command of Army General R. Ya. Malinovsky and the Southern Front under the command of Colonel General F. I. Tolbukhin with the support of the Azov Flotilla .

The Sambek Heights Museum, which opened in 2020, was built in honor of Soviet soldiers who fought on the Mius Front in 1941–1943. The complex, with a total area of 14 hectares, combines the Memorial of Glory “To the Heroes of the Breakthrough of the Mius Front and the Liberation of Taganrog”, built in 1980, and the new buildings of the Don Military History Museum and Information and Exhibition Center, the interactive platform “Breakthrough”, memorial burials of the remains of soldiers discovered by search engines. The museum complex is equipped with the most modern multimedia equipment.

A virtual tour of the Sambek Heights People's Military-Historical Complex consists of 88 panoramic locations, which make it possible to visit the exhibition of the Don Military History Museum and the information and exhibition center, walk through the territory of the complex, and examine in detail the exhibits on the interactive platform "Breakthrough" - combat tank vehicles and artillery pieces, walk along the Memory Alley leading to the monument to the victorious Soviet soldier, visit the Victory Garden and other objects.

The virtual tour includes more than 200 photo, audio and video materials, and video projections built into the overall panorama make the virtual space as similar as possible to reality.

The Presidential Library’s portal provides the major electronic collection Memory of the Great Victory. It includes official documents, photographs and newsreels, wartime newspapers, books, propaganda publications, collections of articles, biographies, testimonies of battle participants and home front workers, their personal documents, images of military and labor awards, monuments and memorial complexes.