Tyumen branch of the Presidential Library joined the round table “Benefactors - the first honorary citizens of Tyumen”

4 November 2023

The Tyumen branch of the Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library in Tyumen Region joined the round table "Benefactors - the first honorary citizens of Tyumen".

The round table was held on November 3 as part of the Second City Scientific and Educational Readings “Cultural and Historical Heritage of Tyumen”.

The organizers were traditionally the Tyumen City Duma and the State Agrarian University of the Northern Trans-Urals, and the cozy amphitheater of the I. Ya. Slovtsov Museum and Complex hosted the reading participants.

The event was attended by students and teachers of secondary schools, students of higher and secondary vocational educational institutions, scientists, and representatives of public associations of the city of Tyumen.

The round table focused on such topics as “The development of charity in the conditions of modernization of Russia in the late 19th – early 20th centuries”, “Andrei Ivanovich Tekutyev: a historical portrait”, “Stepan Ivanovich Kolokolnikov and his “Palace in Zatyumenka””, “Charity in Tyumen today" and others.

Deputy Director of the Tyumen branch of the Presidential Library Olga Viktorovna Kutyrlo made a report entitled “Patrons and benefactors in the collection of the Presidential Library (using the example of the honorary citizen of Tyumen Evgeny Vasilyevich Bogdanovich)”. She shared with the audience video materials about Russian philanthropists - the Bakhrushins, the Demidovs, the Morozovs, the Ryabushinskys, the Stroganovs, the Tretyakovs - from the collections of the Presidential Library; spoke about the fate and activities of the first honorary citizen of Tyumen, Evgeny Vasilyevich Bogdanovich; research papers of Bogdanovich, presented in the Presidential Library’s collections.