The Presidential Library and the Museum Agency of Leningrad Region signed a cooperation agreement

21 November 2023

On November 21, 2023 the Presidential Library, subordinate to the Administrative Directorate of the President of the Russian Federation, and the state cultural institution of Leningrad Region Museum Agency  signed a cooperation agreement.

The document was signed by Director General of the Presidential Library Yuri Nosov and Director of the Museum Agency Lesya Kolesnikova.

“We are united by joint work to preserve and promote the historical and cultural heritage of the country”, - noted Yuri Nosov. – An important area of interaction will be the organization of scientific and practical conferences, workshops, video lectures and other events. We are planning to open a remote access center to the Presidential Library’s collections at the Museum Agency.

Lesya Kolesnikova emphasized: “We are confident that the joint work of the Museum Agency with the Presidential Library, whose collections contain a huge array of documents related to the history and culture of Russia, will allow us to implement new projects both in Russia and abroad”.

The agreement is aimed at establishing partnerships for the development of culture, science and education, spiritual, moral and civic-patriotic education, as well as creating favorable conditions for the implementation of scientific, scientific-educational and cultural-educational programs.

It is planned to implement joint projects using the collections of the Presidential Library and the resources of the Museum Agency on topics related to the history of Russia, the theory and practice of Russian statehood, and the Russian language as the state language of the Russian Federation.

Cooperation involves the release of publishing, printing, audiovisual and multimedia products, including the scientific preparation of editions of historical documents, the organization of exhibition projects in traditional and electronic formats, and the formation of thematic digital content.

The Presidential Library is the largest multifunctional information, scientific, educational and cultural center. The library's electronic collections include books and periodicals, newsreels, photographs, scientific and educational films, theses, archival documents and materials spotlighting the history of Russian statehood, the theory and practice of law, and the Russian language as the state language of the Russian Federation. More than 1,500 remote access centers to the resources of the Presidential Library have been opened in all regions of Russia and 34 foreign countries.

The museum agency unites 25 museums in Leningrad Region. Art and local history museums, estate museums and fortress museums have valuable collections that spotlight the history and culture of not only the region, but also the country as a whole. The fortresses of Korela, Ivangorod and Koporye are objects of fortification architecture and preserve the memory of medieval history. Memorial museums spotlight the life and career of such prominent figures as Alexander Pushkin, Vladimir Nabokov, Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov and Nicholas Roerich. Local history museums provide not only the past and present of individual districts of Leningrad region, but also with the history of the emergence of entire sectors of the national economy, such as shale mining or the construction of the first hydroelectric power stations. Museums dedicated to the history of the Battle of Leningrad during the Great Patriotic War clearly tell about the events that largely determined the outcome of this battle - the creation of the Luga defensive line, the Svir-Petrozavodsk frontal operation, which ended in August 1944 the longest battle in the history of the Second World War.