Bashkortostan schoolchildren learned about the Presidential Library’s resources

11 December 2023

Young readers of the Akhmet-Zaki Validi National Library of Republic of Bashkortostan based on the Regional Center of the Presidential Library can have a video tour “Please, Meet: the Presidential Library!”

Special attention was paid to the information and educational project “Gosudarika”, which introduces schoolchildren to the main sources on the history of Russian statehood and the Russian language. The resource contains chronicles, collections of folklore, monuments of ancient Russian literature and much more. All materials are presented in four thematic sections - State Authority, Russian people, Territory of Russia and Russian language.

According to the organizers, the children were particularly interested in the Presidential Library’s documentary film Personal Library of the President of the Russian Federation.

The Presidential Library's portal features the collection Republic of Bashkortostan: Pages of History. It includes studies, essays, archival documents, statistical, cartographic and audiovisual materials covering various aspects of the development of the region in the 18th–21st centuries.

Based on the materials of portal