Films and video lectures about the glorious pages of Russian history available on the Presidential Library's portal
The great scientist, creator of the periodic law of chemical elements, Dmitry Mendeleev, and the first poet of Russia, creator of the modern Russian literary language, Alexander Pushkin. Conquest of distant outer space and lessons of love for neighbor by Xenia the Blessed. The victory of the Soviet army in the battle of Stalingrad and the history of the standard of the President of the Russian Federation. Films, video lectures and webinars will show this and more in the TV Channel section on the Presidential Library's portal from February 1-15.
On February 2, our country celebrates the Day of Military Glory of Russia. On this day in 1943, the Soviet army defeated German troops in the Battle of Stalingrad, ensuring the beginning of a radical turning point in the Great Patriotic War and World War II. The Presidential Library portal will show a film from the cycle “On the Path to the Great Victory” from the collection of documentaries of the historical channel “365 Days of TV” “The next goal is Stalingrad” and the film “Indestructible and Legendary”, telling about the 2nd Guards Army, which played an important role in the defeat of the Nazi group of troops at Stalingrad.
On February 3, the 58th anniversary of the world’s first landing of the automatic interplanetary station “Luna-9” on the surface of the Moon, the screening of the documentary “Space Pilots”, based on unique video materials that were filmed during secret tests at the Aviation Research Institute and space medicine, will bw shown. Users of the Presidential Library will be able to find out how veteran space testers live, remember and dream.
The “space” theme will be continued by the screening of the newsreel documentary “Ascension” dedicated to a moral analysis of mankind’s exploration of space. The film uses materials from the collections of the St. Petersburg Documentary Film Studio, the Russian State Archive of Scientific and Technical Documentation, the Russian State Archive of Film and Photo Documents and the Institute of Medical and Biological Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
On the day of remembrance of Blessed Xenia of St. Petersburg, celebrated on February 6, the film “Lessons of Loyalty and Love. Xenia the Blessed". The title of the film was dictated by the theme of the competition, which was held by the St. Petersburg Diocese of the Moscow Patriarchate of the Russian Orthodox Church. The plot is based on the life story of Xenia the Blessed from her early years, as well as on stories about the most famous predictions and posthumous miracles associated with the name of the patron saint of St. Petersburg. Video footage that depicts the time and place in which the film's narrative unfolds is combined with animation.
190 years ago, on February 8, 1834, the brilliant Russian scientist and teacher, creator of the “Periodic Law of Chemical Elements” Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev, was born. On this day, users will be able to watch an online webinar dedicated to the scientist, as well as a video lecture “Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev: man and scientist: marking the 185th anniversary of the birth of the encyclopedist scientist and the 150th anniversary of the Periodic Table of Chemical Elements”.
On February 10, on the Day of Remembrance of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, thanks to the documentary film of the Presidential Library “...My address: on the Moika, near the Konyushenny Bridge...” users will have the opportunity, without leaving their home, to visit the famous house on Moika, 12, learn about the daily affairs of the poet, his family, friends and about the last days of the classic of Russian literature.
The Presidential Library's video film “Foreign Words in the Poetry of A. S. Pushkin” is dedicated to foreign borrowings in the Russian language. Why did Tatyana write her letter in French and what “wild state” of the Russian language does Pushkin speak to Vyazemsky about? How was the modern Russian language formed and what role did Pushkin play in this? Consonance with the modern situation - the abundance of borrowings from the English language - makes this video interesting for everyone who is interested in the history of the Russian language and literature.
Also, visitors to the portal can take a fresh look at the famous “Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”, learn about Pushkin’s circle and the worldview of Alexander Sergeevich, find out what role his visit to Crimea played in his fate and work, and try to unravel the riddle of the poet’s genius.
On the same day, February 10, video materials dedicated to Diplomat’s Day will be shown on the Presidential Library's portal. Users will have the opportunity to learn about the activities of foreign diplomats in St. Petersburg during the Northern War and the era of the Great Reforms, about the history of the Russian Foreign Ministry and watch the film “I am like a candle flame: in memory of Ivan Viktorovich Vitkevich, Russian intelligence officer and diplomat”.
On February 15, a documentary by the Presidential Library “Symbols of Presidential Power” will be shown, telling about the history of the creation of the Standard (Flag) and the Badge of the President of the Russian Federation, about a special copy of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, as well as about the procedure for the inauguration of the President. The broadcast of the film is timed to coincide with the date of establishment of the Standard of the President of the Russian Federation as a symbol of presidential power - the corresponding decree was signed by the President of Russia exactly 30 years ago - February 15, 1994.
Especially for students of grades 6-11, video lectures are shown on the Presidential Library’s portal from 08:30 to 16:00 Moscow time, the topics of which reveal and supplement the school curriculum. The subject of the video lecture Knowledge of Russia reflects the main directions in the formation of the Presidential Library's collections: the history of the Russian state and law, the Russian language as the state language of the Russian Federation. Lectures to the audience are traditionally given by authoritative specialists from scientific and educational institutions of St. Petersburg, Moscow and other cities of Russia.
Films and video lectures prepared by the Presidential Library, as well as films of leading national film and TV studios are broadcast around the clock on the Presidential Library’s portal in the TV Channel section. Here, in the TV Channel section, the schedule of broadcasts for the coming days is also available.
Please note that the Live Broadcasts section provides the library's events with the program included.
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