About a thousand foreign schoolchildren and students joined the Presidential Library’s International Russian Language Olympiad

5 February 2024

On January 18, 2024 the first stage of the Presidential Library Olympiad “Russia in the Electronic World” in the subject “Russian as a Foreign Language” has come to an end. About a thousand schoolchildren and students from Vietnam, Iran, Uzbekistan, Egypt, India, China and other countries of the world joined it. More than 300 guys reached the finals.

The contest runs from October 2, 2023 to March 28, 2024. Foreign citizens - schoolchildren over 14 years old and students - can also participate. The Olympiad includes two stages. The qualifying round was held remotely from October 2, 2023 to January 18, 2024. The final stage will take place in person from March 26 to March 28, 2024 at the Presidential Library in St. Petersburg, its branch in Tyumen Region, as well as the remote electronic reading rooms of the institution in Russia and abroad.

Contest tests allow to evaluate three levels of Russian language proficiency: elementary (A1), basic (A2), first certification level (B1). The knowledge testing system includes tasks in the sections “Vocabulary”, “Grammar”, “Listening”. The final stage involves passing the “Writing. Speaking". 

The results will be summed up based on the results of the individual contest. Winners and runners-up are awarded diplomas.

The Olympiad in the subject “Russian as a Foreign Language” has been held by the Presidential Library since 2019. During the existence of the educational project, about 3,000 schoolchildren and students became its participants.

More detailed information about the event is available at http://olympiada.prlib.ru/rusforeign/#/Welcome. One can also contact the department of educational programs of the Presidential Library (812) 305-16-21 or email rusforeign@prlib.ru.

The information partner of the project is the GlavSprav portal.

The Presidential Library regularly holds contests and olympiads for schoolchildren and students. “Russia in the Electronic World” Olympiad in history, social studies and the Russian language is being held from September 20, 2023.