The Presidential Library to be presented at the World Youth Festival

1 March 2024

The Presidential Library will present educational projects at the World Youth Festival, which will be held from March 1 to 7, 2024 on the Sirius Federal Territory in Krasnodar Territory. The largest youth event in the world will unite thousands of people from many countries.

During the festival, at the stand of the Committee on Youth Policy and Interaction with Public Organizations of St. Petersburg and the stand of the Sirius University Library, specialists from the Presidential Library will hold a number of events. An exciting quiz on the history of Russia has been prepared for festival participants. The winners will receive memorable prizes and certificates for a tour of the Presidential Library. As part of the project “Workshop of International Relations of Alexander Gorchakov” the guys will deal with documents from the Presidential Library’s collections, select materials to form a digital collection on the history of Russian foreign policy in the era of Alexander II and prepare a multimedia lesson based on this digital collection.

Informational videos have been prepared especially for the World Youth Festival, telling about educational projects of the Presidential Library, as well as an electronic collection on the topic “Youth in Russia: the Past and the Present”, thanks to which one can learn interesting facts about representatives of the younger generation, starting from the Russian Empire and to the present day. 

In particular, the collection includes archival documents of the Department of Public Education from the 1850s to the 1910s, related to the preparation and admission of students to gymnasiums and universities, as well as telling about the establishment of a commission to monitor the student youth of the Russian Empire, etc. The collection's materials are also dedicated to children's and youth associations, such as the scout movement, the Youth League, the Mayak society, the Russian Falcon and others. The Soviet period is represented by official resolutions of the congresses of the Communist Party on the tasks of youth, the program and Charter of the Russian Communist Youth Union, speeches and articles of political figures. The documents show the work of youth organizations, the activities of the Komsomol organization, and talk about the participation of young people in the Great Patriotic War. The life of the younger generation in the Russian Federation is described in the materials of international conferences with the participation of undergraduate and graduate students, volunteer activities, dissertation abstracts and studies that highlight the problems of urban and rural youth, interethnic relations, political values and other priorities of Russian youth. Periodicals and visual materials are also available.