The exhibition at the Penza Regional Center of the Presidential Library dedicated to the 120th anniversary of Valery Chkalov and the 90th anniversary of Yuri Gagarin

22 March 2024

On March 21, 2024, the Regional Center of the Presidential Library based on the Lermontov Penza Regional Library hosted the exhibition “Everything Higher, and Higher, and Higher...” dedicated to the 120th anniversary of Valery Chkalov and the 90th anniversary of Yuri Gagarin. The exhibition materials are available until April 15.

The last minutes before the launch of the Vostok-1 spacecraft were captured in the newsreel “Yuri Gagarin. The first manned flight into space”, available on the Presidential Library's portal. In addition, the library's collection contains unique materials dedicated to the life and exploits of the first cosmonaut. Many of them were included in the Outer Space collection. These are fragments of newsreels, periodicals, books, postcards, commemorative medals and badges that reflect various milestones in the development of astronautics.

The second section of the exhibition, dedicated to Valery Chkalov, presents a book written by the wife of the legendary test pilot Olga Erasmovna. It contains excerpts from letters and diaries of Valery Pavlovich. The book is accompanied by photographs from the Chkalov family archive, as well as from photojournalist Nison Kapelyush. The exhibition is complemented by a presentation of digital library resources, among which Nikolai Bobrov’s biographical story “Chkalov” (1949) is of great interest. The publication is available on the Presidential Library's portal.

The Presidential Library's portal features the collection Penza Region: Pages of History. It includes archival documents, essays, studies, statistical and other materials covering various aspects of the development of the region in different historical periods.

Based on the materials of portal