A quest dedicated to the USSR held at the Penza regional center of the Presidential Library

29 March 2024

On March 27, 2024 specialists from the Regional Center of the Presidential Library based on the Lermontov Penza Regional Library held a quest “On a time machine in the USSR” for sixth-grade students of school № 68.

The pupils were told when the Soviet Union was formed and the main milestones of its history were outlined. Girls and boys shared what they associate the USSR with. Among the answers were: Victory in the Great Patriotic War, Katyusha, soda fountains.

The Presidential Library's portal features the collection Formation of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. It contains collections of documents on the formation of the USSR, archival materials, including information about the First All-Union Congress of Soviets and the process of forming all-Union legislation and new government bodies, as well as newsreels dedicated to the signing of the Treaty and Declaration on the Formation of the USSR and the formation of new union republics in the 1920s - 1930s.

Based on the materials of https://www.liblermont.ru/ portal